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Add to Queue

This endpoint allows you to add a user to the queue by submitting the required and optional details in the request body. Below are the details on how to use the /v1/queue/add endpoint.

🛠 Endpoint


The following parameters can be included in the request body

steam_idstringYesThe Steam ID of the user being added to the queue.
app_idnumberNoThe application ID (if applicable).
methodstringNoMust be either 'basic' or 'advanced'.
reasonstringNoMust be either 'community' or 'cheating'.
match_idstringNoThe match ID associated with the report.
post_urlstringNoA valid URL related to the report (e.g., post or media link).
custom_reasonstringNoA custom reason for the report (max 120 characters).

Example Request:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <your-frp-key>
    steam_id: '76561198000000000',                       /* Required */
    app_id: '753',                                       /* Optional */ /* steam app id */
    method: 'basic',                                     /* Optional */ /* "basic" | "advanced" */
    reason: 'community',                                 /* Optional */ /* "community" "cheating" */
    match_id: '76561198000000000',                       /* Optional */
    post_url: '',        /* Optional */ /* valid URL */
    custom_reason: 'This user doesnt support cat rights' /* Optional */ /* no longer than 120 characters */ 

🚀 Response

Upon successfully adding a user to the queue, the API will return a 200 OK response with the following structure:

  "success": true,
  "message": "User added to the queue with id 5f8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "data": {
    "id": "5f8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "target": {
      "steam_id": "76561198000000000",
      "name": "Sample User",
      "avatar": ""
    "position": 5

Response Fields

successbooleanIndicates whether the request was successful (true or false).
messagestringA message confirming that the user was added to the queue.
data.idstringThe unique identifier of the report. Steam ID of the reported user. display name of the reported user. avatar URL of the reported user.
data.positionnumberThe position of the user in the queue.

⚠️ Error Handling

If the request fails due to a missing required field or an invalid parameter, the response will look like this:

  "success": false,
  "message": "Missing or invalid fields"

Ensure that all required fields (steam_id) are provided and optional fields (if included) meet their validation criteria.

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